About us

„Mihail Kogălniceanu” International Airport Constanța (IATA: CND, ICAO: LRCK) is an airport in Romania, a permanent member of A.C.I. Europe and of the Association of Romanian Airports (AAR).

Located in the N-NW part of the municipality of Constanța, the airport holds an important geo-strategic position face to economic objectives of national and international interest, being located 26 km from Constanța, 14 km from the Danube-Black Sea Canal, near the resorts on the Black Sea coast and approximately 100 km from the Danube Delta. The airport also has connections with important road transport routes (A2, A4, European roads E60 and E87), rail transport (Bucharest-Fetești-Constanța railway). At the same time, the airport is located just a few kilometers from the Port of Constanța, the largest seaport in Romania and one of the most important in Eastern Europe. Strategically located, the airport facilitates connectivity between Romania and multiple international and domestic destinations, with a modern infrastructure designed to meet the requirements of passengers and air operators.

The airport is permanently open to air traffic, throughout the year and has the following facilities: car parking, snack bar, car rental, taxi, ATM, free wireless internet, ambient sound, coffee and soft drink vending machines, non-stop medical office, mother and child facilities, facilities for people with disabilities.

The flexible and stimulating pricing policy of the services offered to airlines, the increase and diversification of the services offered to passengers and air operators, as well as the application of an active marketing policy, make up the strategy for the continuous development of airport traffic.

Whether you are on a business trip or on vacation, „Mihail Kogălniceanu” Airport offers you all the necessary conditions for a pleasant and stress-free trip. We are committed to providing a quality service and contributing to the development of the region by supporting tourism and international trade.

Currently, work is underway on the new passenger terminal, with completion estimated for the end of April 2025. The new terminal will optimize passenger flow management, especially during peak hours, ensuring appropriate conditions for airport activities. For more details: https://www.mk-airport.ro/en/passenger_waiting_area.


Public Relation

In accordance with the Law 544 / 2001, regarding freedom of access to information of public interests, Law on re-use of information in public institutions

any interested party has the right to request and receive such information from Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport Constanța.

For the release of such infromation, please complete the following forms and submit them by fax, post or email to the address below.

Public interest release request form

  • The person who considers himself/herself aggrieved in his/her rights, may submit the administrative complaint provided for in article 32 of the Methodological Norms for the application of Law 544/2001, within 30 days from the acknowledgment of the explicit or tacit refusal of the employees of the public authority or institution for the application of the provisions of Law no. 544/2001 and the methodological norms of application.

Administrative request form (1)

Administrative request form (2)

Annual Report on the Evaluation of the Implementation of Law no. 544/2001:  2015     2016     2017    2018    2019      2020     2021     2022     2023  

Latest official informative document available here: download

  • The list of documents of public interest and the list of documents produced/ managed by the institution that can be published, according to the law – see the Informative Bulletin
  • Press Relations/Responsible Law 544
  • Information regarding programs and strategies can be found by accessing the Informative Bulletin
  • Petition: informatii_publice@mk-airport.ro

Economic-Commercial and Public Relations Department

PR Specialist

Paul Alexe, Telefon Fix : 0241.255.100 int. 185

Fax: 0040 241 508 022

Mobil: 0733 730 940

Email: informatii_publice@mk-airport.ro


Press Releases

Comunicat 17.10.2024
Comunicat 30.05.2024
Comunicat 09.01.2024
Comunicat 15.09.2023
Comunicat 22.08.2023
Comunicat 06.08.2023
Comunicat 01.08.2023
Comunicat 31.07.2023
Comunicat 24.07.2023
Comunicat 26.06.2023
Comunicat 22.06.2023 (Black Sea Air Show)
Comunicat 22.06.2023 (Air Connect) 
Comunicat 16.06.2023
Comunicat 1 09.06.2023
Comunicat 2 09.06.2023
Comunicat 04.05.2023
Comunicat 28.02.2023
Comunicat 11.01.2023
Comunicat 06.12.2022
Comunicat 16.07.2022
Comunicat 11.05.2022
Comunicat 14.03.2022
Comunicat 03.02.2022
Comunicat 07.06.2021
Comunicat 14.05.2021
Comunicat 26.02.2021
Comunicat 05.01.2021
Comunicat 24.08.2020
Comunicat 06.06.2020
Comunicat 28.05.2020
Comunicat 14.05.2020
Comunicat 05.05.2020
Comunicat 30.04.2020
Comunicat 30.03.2020
Comunicat 04.03.2020
Comunicat 26.02.2020
Comunicat 05.09.2019
Comunicat 15.07.2019
Comunicat 11.07.2019
Comunicat 10.07.2019
Comunicat 01.07.2019
Comunicat 28.06.2019
Comunicat 18.06.2019
Comunicat 14.06.2019
Comunicat 13.06.2019
Comunicat 11.06.2019
Comunicat 31.05.2019
Comunicat 15.04.2019
Comunicat 27.03.2019
Comunicat 21.02.2019
Comunicat 15.01.2019
Comunicat 20.12.2018
Comunicat 18.12.2018
Comunicat 14.12.2018
Comunicat 05.11.2018
Comunicat 23.10.2018
Comunicat 01.10.2018
Comunicat 14.09.2018
Comunicat 20.08.2018
Comunicat 12.07.2018
Comunicat 02.07.2018
Comunicat 05.06.2018
Comunicat 27.04.2018
Comunicat 17.04.2018
Comunicat 27.03.2018
Comunicat 15.03.2018
Comunicat 28.02.2018
Comunicat 22.02.2018
Comunicat 16.01.2018
Comunicat 11.01.2018

Shareholders' General Meeting

  • Mihalea Mocanu - Ministry of Transportation representative
  • Valentin Parvu - Ministry of Transportation representative
  • Johan Meyer - "Fondul Proprietatea" S.A. representative
  • Petcu Ramona Zena - Constanța County Council representative

Administration Council

Definitive members:

Artagea Bogdan Ionuț

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Acatrinei Horia Mihail

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Ardelean Felix Corneliu

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Teșeleanu George

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Mihu Ștefan

Contract de mandat

P.S.D. Member

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Fătu Simona-Carmen

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV

Monea Gabriel

Contract de mandat

Politically unaffiliated

Appointment: 30.07.2024 CV



Bogdan Ionuț Artagea - General Manager - CV
Email: bogdan.artagea@mk-airport.ro
Appointment: 13.11.2020

Horia Mihail Acatrinei - Chief Financial Officer - CV
Email: horia.acatrinei@mk-airport.ro
Appointment: 04.12.2020

Nicușor Șuta - Operațional Director
Email: nicusor.suta@mk-airport.ro

Mihail-Lucian Dumitrache - Development Director
Email: lucian.dumitrache@mk-airport.ro

Gheorghe Zamani - Tehnical Director
Email: gheorghe.zamani@mk-airport.ro

Irina Petronela Șargu - HR and Legal Director
Email: irina.sargu@mk-airport.ro

Normative Documents 

"Mihail Kogalniceanu Constanta International Airport" S.A. , is a legal entity of Romanian nationality, organized as a joint stock company, with headquarters in Mihail Kogalniceanu, Tudor Vladimirescu street no. 4, Constanta County, according to the provisions of  GD 523/1998 updated.

In accordance with the provisions of  GD 523/1998, it acquires the status of a national company by reorganizing the Autonomous Administration "Constanta - Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport" (Article 1).

At present the name of the company is: "Mihail Kogălniceanu Constanţa International Airport" National Company. According to the provisions of GD 123/2006 , "Mihail Kogălniceanu Constanţa International Airport" S.A. aims to provide services, services, exploitation, maintenance, repair, development and upgrading of property in its property or concession in order to ensure the conditions for the arrival, departure and handling of aircraft in national or international traffic, provision of airport services for the transit of persons, goods and mail, as well as services of national public interest. (State of Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport, Constanţa S.A., Annex IV to  GD 1096/2008).

Organisational structure

  • Organizational Chart (.pdf)
  • Regulation of organization and functioning (.pdf)

Technical details


Length: 3500m
Width: 45m
PCN: 62/R/A/W/T

Runway safety zone

105m E si W
Length: 112m Width: 90m North
Length: 300m width: 90m South

Taxiway A

Length: 267m
Width: 35m
PCN: 62/R/D/W/T

Taxiway B

Length: 364m
Width: 25m
PCN: 62/R/D/W/T


Parking spots: 18
PCN: 62/R/D/W/T

Information regarding enviroment

Brief description Title  Code
Ecological issues relating the waste disposal Waste B5
Evidence of waste management cf.HG 856/2002 Waste  B5
State of the enviroment Water  A2
Water consumption Water A2
Energy issues Energy B2
Energy consumption Energy B2
Enviromental considerations - substances Substances B1
Fuel consumption Substances B1
Activities or measures which impact against the enviroment or which might potentially do so Enviromental notifications and authorisations B6
Enviromental notifications and authorisations Enviromental notifications and authorisations B6
State of the enviroment How these elements impact A6
Impact assessment, site assessment How these elements impact A6
Activities or measures which impact against the enviroment or which might potentialy do so Strategies and policies B9
Enviromental policy - Mihail Kogalniceanu International Airport Constanta Strategies and policies B9
State of the enviroment Water A2
Monitoring of drinking water and waste water Water A2
State of the enviroment Air, soil, water A3
Accidental pollution Air, soil, water A3
Measures which impact against the enviroment or which might potentially do so Administrative measures B8
List of internal environmental protection procedures Administrative measures B8

Information available on request; paper and electronic versions

Aviation Safety

Certificate ISO 9001: 2015 for the management system

POS-T Project

Press Releases

More information about TRANS programme: www.ampost.ro

Project presentation (pdf)


SPICE Project

Jepp s.r.l.

Serban Dennis Georgian Phone +40 732 351 111
Ardelean Mircea Phone + 040 726 592 249
Phone/fax office: +40 241 611 811
Email: office@jepp.ro

2. Bank transfer.

Logo Jepp


Air BP Sales Romania s.r.l.

Phone: 004 0374 204 748
Fax: 004 0374 204 749
Email: office@airbp.ro / cnd@airbp.ro

Contact Air BP Out of Hours
Phone: 00 971 50 453 6032
Email: airbpoutofhours@bp.com

Payment term:
- Visa card / Master card
- BP Sterling Card
- cash (maximum 1000 USD)


Romania Fuelling Services s.r.l.

Phone: 004 0374 204 748
Fax: 004 0374 204 749
Email: office@airbp.ro / cnd@airbp.ro.,

Contact: Ilie Ion
Email: ion.ilie@airbp.ro



Cargo Romena

Phone: 004 0241 259600
Email: office@cargo-tour.ro

Ansamble inflight s.r.l.

Mobile: 004 0762 259 161
Phone: 00402131717122
Fax:  0040318150007
Email: maci@aircatering.ro


Landing Charge: 3.00 EURO / tone
Lighting Charge: 2.50 EURO / tone
Parking Charge: 0.075 EURO / tone / hour (the first 3 hours are not charged)
Passengers Service: 1.50 EURO / passenger – international flights
                              1.50 EURO / passenger – domestic flights
                            12.325 EURO / passenger – general aviation flights
Security Charge: 2.50 EURO / passenger

Rebates are granted to all air operators who operate based on a contract with Mihail Kogălniceanu - Constanţa Airport. Depending on the number of flights made by an air operator the following discounts are granted:

No. of landings / year Discount (%)
70 – 72 5
73 – 75 10
76 – 78 15
79 – 81 20
82 – 84 25
85 – 87  30
88 – 90  35
91 – 93 40
94 – 95 45
≥96 50


The airport charges published in AIP Romania can be viewed here.

Marketing and advertisement

For price information and requests, available spaces for rent, you can contact the Tariffs, Contracts at:

Phone: +40 241 255 100 ext 139

Mobile: +40 724 00 66 33

Email: contracte@mk-airport.ro

PETITION means the request, complaint, referral or proposal made in writing or by e-mail, which a citizen or legally constituted organisation may address to central and local public authorities and institutions, to the decentralised public services of ministries and other central bodies, to national companies and companies, to companies of county or local interest, and to autonomous institutions, hereinafter referred to as public authorities and institutions. (Article 2 of Government Law No 27/2002 on the regulation of the activity of settling petitions as amended). Petitions can be sent to Mihail Kogălniceanu Constanta International Airport in one of the following ways:

 - filling out the form (.doc) and forwarding it to the informatii_publice@mk-airport.ro

 - by mailing to Mihail Kogălniceanu Constanta International Airport, T. Vladimirescu Street, nr. 4, Mihail Kogălniceanu commune, Constanta County

 - by submission to the Secretariat of Mihail Kogălniceanu Constanta International Airport, T. Vladimirescu Street, Nr. 4, Mihail Kogălniceanu commune, Constanta County